Media Download Page

Video Clips
(click on your connection speed)

Alvin meets a most unfortunate fate...

14.4-33.6K Modem
240 x 115 - 3.2 MB
56K Modem/ISDN
360 x 172 - 7.3 MB
480 x 230 - 14.3 MB

Full-Length Movie

360 x 172 - 203 MB
(special thanks to Bernd Lautenslager at
Stephen King's Short Movies
for providing hosting for the film.)

The clips above require QuickTime, which is available directly from Apple Computer, Inc.

(If a new window with the movie clip doesn't pop-up after clicking your selection,
please click the appropriate text link below your choice instead.)

Text Files

Night Surf Press Kit
(in Adobe PDF format)
Night Surf Shooting Script
(in Adobe PDF format)

Production Stills
(click on a thumbnail for a larger view)

An isolated beach.

A plague sweeps the nation.

Needles with his new toy.

Bernie worries.

Corey skeet shooting.

Susie worries.

Needles fears the worst.

A sick traveler.

Bernie plans the next move.

Corey & Kelly on the beach.

The kids do what they have to.

Alvin is trapped.

Bernie stares down a rifle.

Needles in trouble.

Joan breaks down.

Susie ponders the situation.

A race towards freedom.

Night time chase in the woods.

Bernie & Needles hear something.

Needles tries to flee.

Bernie stares ahead.

Corey loses his grip.

Kelly blames Corey.

A requiem for mankind.