Jason Charnick's World Wide Web Home Page!
Just kidding! Thanks for taking the time to visit my little setup here. I'm sure that during your visit you'll have a lot of fun checking out all the cool links and other stuff that I've set up for everyone to enjoy! All the links have been set up according to my tastes, and as strange as those tastes might be, I'm sure that you'll find some things here that we share in common, so feel free to snoop around and explore, and most importantly, have fun!
Did you ever watch the TV show Head of the Class? You did? Good. Remember when that fancy pants honors class from New York City used to take on (and lose to) that same high school over and over again, in those academic competitions? Well, that high school was the Bronx High School of Science (or Bronx Science, for short), and I went there. They are also one of the few high schools to have their own page on the Web. If you want to learn more about my alma mater, click on the words Bronx Science above. Even their school newspaper Science Survey has their own home page! If, however, you're more interested in learning more about my alma mater, Boston University, click on that instead. I also went to film school at New York University's School of Continuing Education in the fall of 1997, so check them out, too!
Anyway, while I've got your attention, let me point out that if you are using a frame-capable browser, such as Netscape Navigator 2.0 or greater, you should be seeing a ledge below, looking somewhat like Hell. This is my "What's Hot" area, with an always accessible list of what fun stuff is available here at my site. If you do not have a frame-capable browser installed, you can get one here. In this FTP directory you can pick and choose which version and platform of Netscape Navigator to use. For you frame-challenged folks, click here to see the "What's Hot" page.
See what I actually look like...
(Why you would actually want to is beyond me...)
Check out some of my favorite links!
With your kind hosts, Wayne Gretzky and Brian Leetch!
The Official New York Rangers Home Page (My favorite hockey team. Did I mention that they're the 1994 Stanley Cup Champions?)
- New York Yankees Home Plate (1996 World Champs!!!!)
- NHL Open Net (The NHL on the WWW)
- ESPN SportsZone (ESPN on the WWW)
- Clicking here will put you in touch with the absolutely most extensive searchable WWW home page database!
- The David Mamet Info Page (I'm really close to the author of these pages! Too close.)
Playboy Magazine (18 and over only, please!)
- The DVD Resource Page (Check out all the goodies available on the new digital video format!)
- I own a Sony PlayStation. Check out the unofficial PlayStation page by clicking here. This unofficial page has individual pages for each and every game available for the PlayStation. Arranged by genre, each game page has hints and cheats for the game, links to the manufacturer's home page, and reviews culled from the Internet.
- MacWeek Magazine (For up-to-date news from the Macintosh world.)
- Version Tracker (Get up-to-the-minute updates on the newest versions of your favorite Macintosh programs!)
- And if you're interested in reading some essays and fiction that I've written click here.
- Oooh...If you're a movie buff, you just have to check out this page dedicated to my favorite director, Martin Scorsese.
- Screw those links... Go to the best film site on the Internet, dedicated to my favorite screenwriter, and super-cool cat Kevin Smith!!!

The View Askew-niverse!!!
This Riders Askew Web Ring site is owned by Jason Charnick.
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Click here to see a list of home pages from some of the clowns I hang out with on #viewaskew on DALnet.
Get with the times! This page is best viewed with Netscape NavigatorTM 2.0 or higher.
This page was created by Jason Charnick, a graduate of Boston University.
This page was last updated on 4/14/98. Thanks for stopping by! Come again soon!
There were
visitors to my home page between 8/21/97 and 4/3/98. MindSpring doesn't offer home page counters, so until I get a new one, this is all I have.
And to all you jagoff e-mail harvesters and spammers, don't forget this one!